15 research outputs found

    SAW-TOPSIS Implementation To Determine An Appropriate DBMS Software

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    Selection an appropriate Database Management Software, is a crucial part to ensure operational excellence businesses firm. Database management software used to organize and manage the company’s data so that they can be efficiently accessed and used to improve operational and decision quality. However, a senior manager as decision maker sometimes lacks the comprehensive knowledge to choose a suitable database management software which meets with business needs. Then, The manager determines a database management software based on a consultant or vendor offer. On the other hand, a consultant or vendor has an interest in to sell their product, so they tend to lead manager to choose their product even though it is not fulfilling business needs. We present a decision support application to help the manager to select an appropriate database management software (DBM) for their company, using Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method. We observe SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, DB2, and PostgreSQL as five top database management software and investigate the detail about cost, storage capacity, security, supported the operating system and supported programming language as key criteria to select best database management software from their official website. Then, we combining SAW and TOPSIS method to choose the best appropriate DBM software based on user requirement through computation program and validate our application performance includes the user interface, usability and accuracy result to 50 database engineers expert as respondent. The results are as follows; 1) 86 % of respondents are satisfied with application user interface, 2) 94% are happy with application usability and 3) 86% are pleased with the accuracy of the computation. Overall, this study provides a decision support application to determine an appropriate database management software based on business needs by combining SAW and TOPSIS methods

    Discovering Drugs Combination Pattern Using FP-growth Algorithm

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    A drug can be used to deal more than one diseases and to deal an illness often need a combination of more than one drugs. This paper present how to discover a pattern of a combination of medicines related to a diagnosis of diseases using FP-Growth one of frequent pattern mining algorithm. We use FP- Growth because it has better performance than Apriori and Eclat. Data is collected from outpatients pharmacy of Sukoharjo state hospital, Central Java, Indonesia during January 2015 to June 2016 and obtain 526,195 records of prescription data and use a diagnosis of diseases base on the ICD-10 standard. This studies just apply on the top ten of the most frequently occurred illness in the outpatient's services of Sukoharjo state hospital. Then the pattern of association between diseases and combination of drugs was reviewed by pharmacist committed to being validated. These studies result in some combination of medicines for to top ten of the most frequent diseases. We also found 21 similar combinations of drugs for various diseases. In the future, this finding can be used to provide suggestions to physicians to select an appropriate mix of the drug to deal some diseases

    Business Process Evaluation of Outpatient Services Using Process Mining

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    A business needs an evaluation to increase its services and adaptability to the environment changes. Business process evaluation is one of the several ways for business development. This paper reports an assessment of outpatient service process at RSUD Sukoharjo for BPJS Health insurance’s patient using process mining to get an objective process model. We implement the Inductive Miner infrequent approach and analyze the process model with conformance checking and performance analysis. Stakeholders can utilize the results of the evaluation to understand the real service condition and plan an action to improve their services. We can conclude that there is a bottleneck in the waiting time of the registration process with an average of 1.5-2 hours, a polyclinic treatment process with an average of 1-2 hours and pharmacy process with an average of 0.5-1 hours

    Analisis Dan Verifikasi Workflow Mengggunakan Petri (Studi kasus; Proses Bisnis di Universitas Sebelas Maret)

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    Elemen penting suksesnya sebuah organisasi adalah kemampuannya untuk terus-menerus mengembangkan kinerjabisnis prosesnya karena semakin baik proses bisnis suatu organisasi, semakin baik pula kinerja organisasi tersebut. Prosesbisnis banyak dimodelkan sebagai workflow dengan menggunakan BPMN (Business Process Modelling Notation) karenaBPMN memiliki fitur dan notasi yang mampu menggambarkan bisnis proses seperti kondisi yang real. Pada penelitiansebelumnya proses bisnis Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) telah dimodelkan dalam BPMN namun belum diketahui apakahproses bisnis UNS tersebut sudah optimal dan terbebas dari kesalahan yang tidak diinginkan atau belum karena BPMN tidakmemiliki fitur untuk menganalisis workflow, karena itu diperlukan analisis tambahan pada model BPMN untuk mengetahuiapakah proses bisnis tersebut sudah terbebas dari kesalahan. Dengan adanya analisis tambahan akan diperoleh model prosesbisnis yang terbebas dari deadlock dan livelock sebelum diimplementasikan. Sehingga rekayasa proses bisnis (BusinessProcess Reengineering)diharapkan menjadi lebih efisien dalam hal waktu dan uang. Perangkat untuk memodelkan,menganalisis workflow adalah PetriNets .Workflow dalam bentuk Petri nets dapat diverifikasi dengan menggunakan toolwoped.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan verifikasi apakah proses bisnis di UNS tersebut sudah terbebas darikesalahan dengan menggunakan PetriNets dan memberikan rekomendasi proses bisnis yang yang terbebas dari deadlock danlivelock untuk UNS dengan cara mengubah model proses bisnis BPMN ke dalam notasi workflow PetriNets kemudiandilakukan analisis dan verifikasi dengan woped. Penelitian ini diharapkan menghasilkan rekomendasi proses bisnis UNS yangterbebas dari deadlock dan livelock yang tidak diinginkan. Tujuan selanjutnya diharapkan penelitian ini bisa menghasilkanmetode yang bisa menjadi rujukan para pemangku kepentingan dalam mengambil keputusan pada saat akan melakukanrekayasa proses bisnis pada organisasi yang dipimpinnya.Kata kunci: Bisnis Proses Modeling, BPMN, verifikasi, Petri Net


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    Content Management System (CMS) open source banyak digunakan dalam website e-commerce. CMS open source e-commerce tumbuh semakin canggih dan lebih kompetitif. Artikel ini berisi perbandingan kualitas software dari top three CMS open sourece e-commerce yaitu Magento, Woocomerce,dan OpenCart. perbandingan dilakukan terhadap kualitas revision software yaitu maintainability, fleksibility, dan testability. Kualitas revison diuji sebab maintenance dan testing merupakan proses yang sangat penting dalam pembuatan sebuah software dan memerlukan banyak resource. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan menggunakan phpmetric untuk menghitung maintainability index, afferent coupling, efferent couping, lack of cohesion method, cyclomatic complexity. Tujuan dari penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk menentukkan open source e-commerce terbaik dalam proses maintenance, adaptasi, dan modifikasi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa magento memiliki kemampuan terbaik untuk maintenance, testing, dan perubahan kode dibandingkan Woocommerce dan Opencart, dimana nilai maintainaility indenxnya 111,36, afferent coupling 0,826, efferent coupling 1,83, Lack of cohesion method 2,10 dan Cyclomatic Complexity 11,02


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    This paper reports development an admission new students application for support selection process in SMKN 2 Surakarta.Software development model for this application used Waterfall method through stages of analysis, design, implementation and testing phases.Testing on correctness factor showed that this application qualifies user requirement specification of SMK N 2 Surakarta. Testing on reliability factor performed using Apache JMeter software and obtained the result that as many as 20 users did not experience a failure accessing applications simultaneously, whereas the "input weights" and the "calculation" pages could only be accessed by single user. Testing on efficiency factor performed using GTMetrix website, obtained grade A in PageSpeed Score and grade A in YSlow test. Based on the testing result, this application can be used to help in the selection of the new students at SMK N 2 Surakarta


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    Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001 mempersyaratkan adanya dokumentasi dan prosedur pengendalian dokumen untuk menjamin bahwa pengesahan, identifikasi, revisi dan pemusnahan dari dokumen-dokumen organisasi tersebut terkendali. Bagi perusahaan besar dengan kerumitan produk dan interaksi proses di dalamnya, persyaratan tersebut sangat merepotkan apalagi bila SOP (standar of procedure) dari organisasi tersebut sering direvisi. Teknologi Informasi yang menjanjikan distribusi informasi yang akurat dan real time tanpa terpengaruh oleh lokasi resource dan pengguna bisa dimanfaatkan untuk membuat sistem informasi pengendalian dokumen yang lebih praktis dan mudah. Dengan pendekatan terstruktur menggunakan pemodelan data dan pemodelan proses penulis mencoba menganalisa dan membuat rancangan sistem informasi pengendalian dokumen ISO 9001 yang berbasis web. Hasil dari makalah ini adalah diagram aliran data (Data Flow Diagram) dan Entity Relationship Diagram dari sistem pengendalian dokumen ISO 9001 dan rancangan user interface dari menu-menu pada sistem informasi pengendalian dokumen ISO 9001. Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi, Pengendalian Dokumen, ISO 900

    Determining e-learning success factor in higher education based on user perspective using Fuzzy AHP

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    Recently almost all universities in the world have implemented E-learning to support their academic system. Previous studies have been conducted to determine CSF using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. However, AHP method cannot handle the uncertainty and vagueness of the human’s opinion, so then it causes less appropriate decision. Some researcher has proposed to use fuzzy sets theory with AHP to increase the ability of AHP to deal problem regarding the uncertainty/fuzziness. This study aims to determine ranks of priorities of the multiple factors which influence the E-learning success using FAHP method. The respondents consist of ten e-learning’s experts, 305 lecturers, and 4195 students at Sebelas Maret University. The result describes similar success factors ranking between both experienced and non-experienced user (lecturer and student). Then, the result shows that there are five most influencial success factors of e-learning at Sebelas Maret University based on the lectures perspective Financial Policy, Regulatory Policy, Course quality, Relevant Content and Technical Support. On the other hand, according to the student's point of view five most e-learning, critical success factors are Quality of Course, Relevant of Content, Completeness of Content, Attitudes toward Student, and Flexibility in taking Course. Therefore, this finding can be used by E-learning management of Sebelas Maret University to deteremine a strategy to to achieve successful implementation of e-learning at Sebelas Maret University with consider these factors


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    This paper will focus on comparison of portability, reusability, and interoperability values on open source-based e-commerce. The aim of comparing these three values is to find out which e-commerce has the best portability, reusability, and interoperability values. E-commerce software that will be tested are Magento 2.0, OpenCart, and WooCommerce 3.07. It has been chosen because this software are included in “The Top 10 Open Source e-Commerce Platforms” by CMS Critic website. Portability and reusability assessment is based on modularity, self-descriptive, and simplicity subfactor. The result obtained which e-commerce has the best value of the three factors tested is OpenCart with the best scores in the factor of portability and interoperability